Public offer for the provision of advisory and educational services
The present Agreement is an official offer (public offer) of the Individual Entrepreneur, Angelina A Fedoseeva, (hereinafter referred as the ''Contractor'') for any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred as the ''Customer'') to be concluded on the following terms and conditions.

In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an individual or legal entity agreeing to the conditions described below and accepting the offer, becomes a Customer.

According to Clause 3, Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this offer acceptance shall be deemed equivalent to signing the contract on the provision of services under the conditions specified in this Offer.

In view of the aforesaid, read the text of this public offer carefully, and if you disagree with any paragraph of the offer, the Contractor suggests that you shall withdraw from the Agreement and the use of Services.

Full and unconditional acceptance of this public offer shall be deemed the payment for rendering services made by the Customer.

1. General provisions

1.1 This Agreement (hereinafter referred as the Agreement) sets up terms for the provision of educational services by the Contractor, rights and liabilities of the Customer and the Contractor.

1.2. This Agreement shall be concluded between the Customer and the Contractor in the form of an adhesion contract (Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the Customer shall give the consent to this offer in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The submission of the Customer's application form for provision of paid services shall deem the general acceptance of the Agreement in respect of the Services provided by the Contractor.

1.4. The Contractor shall have the right at any time at its own discretion to repeatedly amend the terms of the Agreement, as well as other information available to the Customer for further reading and (or) reviewing, supplementing, shortening, establishing additional liabilities and/or rights for both the Customer and the Contractor.

1.5.By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the Customer is obliged to independently check the content of the Agreement and other information that is available for reading and reviewing and provided by the Contractor at the appropriate sections of the Website for amendments and supplements.

1.6.This Agreement and the adjacent amendments shall take into effect since they are posted on the Website.

2. Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions shall be underlined for purposes of this Agreement:

"Session" — is a range of consulting services provided the Contractor to the Customer with the materials as follows: video and audio content, filed methodological recommendations, online sessions on following healthy eating rules, customer-tailored list of aliments, sleep-wake schedule, completing tasks, checking meal plan diary by telephone, IP telephony and other means.

"Confidential information" - all the materials used by the Customer: texts, calculations, tables, pictures, multimedia and video content,recommendations, methods for arranging in-person and distance sessions. All materials used by the Contractor are legally protected by the Russian law about intellectual property and copyright and ancillary rights.

Email of the Contractor -

The Website of the Contractor is available by the link

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The subject of this Agreement is a provision fee-based services associated with access to the website content as follows:
tutorials upon the training course;

materials containing recommendations for healthy meal, list of ailments, customer-tailored list of aliments, sleep-wake schedule, completing tasks, checking meal plan diary by telephone, IP telephony and other means;

tasks for the Contractor completed by the Customer within an individually-tailored schedule;

informational support provided by the Contractor for the duration of the tuition.

The Customer shall read the terms and service rendering procedure on the Contractor's website.

3.2. The service rendering procedure is specified on the Contractor's website and is deemed an integral part of this Public Offer.

3.3.The service rendering procedure under this Agreement shall not be of a medical nature. The sessions or tuitions are remotely arranged and shall not provide medical advice, treatment, diagnosis or prescriptions associated with the Customer's malady (symptom state).

The Contractor's prescription for lab analyses is aimed at designing a client-oriented meal plan and giving recommendations for seeking medical assistance from a physician.

The purpose of the service rendering procedure under this Agreement is the provision of the information about eating behavior rules, food and BAAs impact on health, maladies and its signs, symptoms, characteristics, diagnostics and remedies, including its pros and cons.

The services provided by the Contractor in no way substitute or replace medical treatment, i.e. certain types of medical examinations and (or) medical manipulations affecting the physical or mental state of the Customer and ensuring a preventive care, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or research.

The services are aimed at meeting informational demands of the Customer in the field of nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

The information provided over the tuition period shall not mean a decision-making basis that the Customer uses for their or other health.
BAAs shall be prescribed to and taken by the Customer after a physician's appointment.

4. Terms and conditions for the provision of services

4.1.The services provided under this Agreement means a distant or in-person tuition under the terms of this Agreement.

4.2. The provision of the services shall be valid upon a preliminary Customer's submission of an online request for rendering services via the Website or email of the, as well as by a direct message on Instagram.

4.3. By making a request for tuition, the Customer automatically gives the consent to the terms of this Agreement and hereby concludes with the Contractor an Agreement on rendering fee-based remote services. The Customer shall make a full payment simultaneously with the submission of the request. The payment date shall be deemed the date of debiting the funds from the Customer's account.

4.4 Upon payment receipt at the Contractor's account, the Contractor shall notify the Customer about crediting a settlement account on any available communication channel, provide the Customer with a questionnaire and the list of the necessary medical investigations and lab results that shall be taken and paid by the Customer for further provision of the services.

4.5. Upon the Customer's submission of the completed questionnaire and the results of medical investigations, the Contractor shall appoint the date for the first session with the Customer by clarifying the terms and conditions under this Agreement.

4.6. Session shall be arranged in-person or by telephone, IP telephony or other means aimed at arranging oral communication between the parties.

The session shall be arranged in the oral form at the prior alignment of the session duration. The session starts with a call from the Contractor to the Customer's number. The Customer has the right to delay the session for up to 30 minutes without prior agreement with the Contractor.

4.7. Upon the completion of the first oral session, the Contractor shall decide on the provision of services under the Agreement and the Customer shall decide on the service receipt.

4.8.If the Customer is intended to cease the provision of services upon the completion of the first session, they shall make a request via a direct message to the Contractor's email no later than 1 day after the initial oral session.

4.9. If the Customer acknowledges the inadvisability of providing the services under this Agreement during the session, or claims about the necessity in rendering health services within its diagnosis, the Customer shall inform the Contractor about it at the session.

4.10. In cases under provisions 4.8 and 4.9 of this Agreement, the Contractor shall return funds to the Customer's settlement account from which the payment had been made, no later than 1 day from the date of refusal in rendering services under this Agreement less the session cost already provided to the Customer.

4.11. The session cost is indicated on the Contractor's Website.

4.12. In the absence of notification from the Customer or the Contractor upon the refusal in rendering services within the time specified in the Agreement, the Parties shall be deemed to conclude the Agreement in full force and effect for the period indicated on the Contractor's website.

5. Payment procedure

5.1. The cost of services provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is indicated on the Website.
5.2. The payment for services is made by the Customer beforehand by crediting funds to the current Contractor's account. The Customer's payment obligations shall be deemed fulfilled on the date of crediting the Contractor's settlement account.
5.3.Upon mutual agreement of the parties, it is allowed to extend the timeline for provision of services and amend the statement of the agreed order.

6. Rights and Liabilities of the parties

6.1. The Customer has the right:
to receive the scope of services rendered by the Contractor within the terms under this Agreement;
to receive the scope of services not specified in this Agreement and to execute addendums to the Agreement or contracts with the Contractor.

Additional services shall be paid by the Customer for an extra fee.

to keep personal information private from the Contractor's end under the terms of this Agreement;
to repudiate this Agreement at any time, subject to payment to the Contractor for the services actually rendered.
to fulfill other rights stipulated by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and provisions of this Agreement.

6.2. The Customer is obliged:

to fulfill liabilities in a proper manner and under the terms of this Agreement and the RF legislation, as well as under the obligations and requirements of the law, other regulations, and if absent, in accordance with customary business practices or other conventional requirements.

6.3. The Contractor has the right:

to take third-parties proceedings without having the Customer's consent or notifying them in advance.

to accept the Customer's information (including documents) in good faith without additional verification.

in case of inaccurate and incomplete information from the Customer, the Contractor is eligible to suspend its performance under this Agreement prior to providing the necessary information;

to earn reward for the services rendered under this Agreement;

to conclude an addendum or contracts for rendering services to the Customer unstipulated by this Agreement;

to agree with the Customer the term of rendering services on the basis of their organizational, technical and other possibilities;

to amend the term of rendering services or another statement of the paid order due to organizational and technical circumstances by agreement with the Customer. If the parties fail to agree, the Agreement shall be terminated and the funds deposited by the Customer upon the order shall be returned by the Contractor within 5 days;

to repudiate an Agreement subject to full reimbursement to the Customer for losses;

to fulfill other rights stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and applicable provisions.

6.4. The Contractor is obliged:

6.4.1 to entirely perform provisions stipulated by this Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as statutory duty and other regulations, in the absence thereof it shall be regulated by customary business practices or other conventional requirements;

6.4.2 to return funds to the Customer within the provisions 4.8 and 4.9 under this Agreement;

6.4.3 to inform the Customer about any circumstances that impede the performance of this Agreement;

6.4.4 to ensure the Customer's non-disclosure information within the provisions under applicable legislation and terms of this Agreement;

6.4.5 to fulfill other obligations stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Liability of the parties

7.1. Parties shall not be liable for non-fulfilment or improper fulfillment of the obligations under this Agreement and legislation of the Russian Federation.

The parties shall be released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations in consequence of occurrence of the force majeure circumstances, i.e. extreme and unpreventable circumstances on other grounds prescribed by law. Such circumstances include communication breakdown (telephone, IP-telephony, Internet). In this case, remote session services are provided at a different time approved by the parties. If the parties fail to agree, the Agreement shall be terminated.

7.2 The Contractor shall be released from liability for possible complications and physical state(s) of the Customer due to its refusal to seek medical advice, change treatment strategy, take or cancel certain medicines, actions (inaction) of that nature which are based on the remote session outcomes as the information provided by the Contractor shall not be fundamental for any decision made by the Customer regarding its health as detailed in section 2 of these Regulations. Similar provisions apply to a third person for whom the Customer may have acted.

7.3 The Customer is liable for providing complete and accurate information and documents to the Contractor.

7.4 In case of impossibility of performance through the fault of the Customer, the services are to be paid in full.

7.5 In other cases, the parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Effective date

8.1. The agreement shall take into force from the date of a full and unreserved consent of the Customer to the applicable offer and an ensuing submission of the application request for tuition by means of one of the provisions under this Agreement.

8.2. The payment for services of the Contractor shall be made within the terms of this Agreement and be deemed a full and unreserved consent of the Customer to the public offer. The Customer's acceptance of terms under this Agreement shall be deemed that the agreement in writing has been fully compliant to the articles 434,438 of the RF Civil Code. Hence, the offer acceptance shall be tantamount to the conclusion of the Agreement and be meant the Customer's consent to all the provisions of applicable Regulations.

8.3. The Agreement shall take into effect from the agreement effective date within paragraph 8.1.under this Agreement (offer acceptance of the Customer) prior to termination date of the mutual execution of this Agreement. The Contractor reserves the right to cease to be effective of the present Agreement unilaterally. The parties shall terminate the Agreement due to the impossibility of fulfilling obligations thereof upon the force majeure circumstances which are beyond the liability of the parties.

8.4. In the case of repeated submission of the request for rendering services, the Customer shall enter into a new Agreement with the Contractor on rendering paid services under the applicable amendment procedure of the Regulations.

9.Amendment and Termination of the Agreement

9.1. This Agreement shall be the subject to amend and breach by mutual consent of the parties under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

9.2.Terms of this Agreement shall be the subject to unilaterally alterations made by the Contractor without notice. An amended version of the Agreement takes into effect since it has been published on the website of the Contractor except as otherwise provided herein at the time of placing the order and offer acceptance by the Customer (conclusion of the Agreement).

9.3. The Contractor is eligible at any time to suspend the provision of services stipulated by the applicable Agreement, the text of these Regulations shall be deleted from the website of the Contractor thereby.

The termination of rendering services by the Contractor shall not entail the cancellation of obligations of the parties under already settled and paid order of the Customer.

10. Dispute settlement procedure

10.1.Upon the pre-action of this Agreement, the party whose rights have been violated (hereinafter referred to as interested party), is obliged to submit a written claim to another party. If the period of no response is run out or the response doesn't suit, the interested party shall be eligible for judicial recourse.

10.2. All disputes and disagreements arising within or relating to the Agreement, that have not been settled in the claim procedure, shall be the subject of settlement by judicial means at the location of the Contractor.

11. Intellectual activity

11.1. All the information content provided by the Contractor to the Customer upon the provision of the services shall be deemed the result of intellectual activity, exclusive copyright and ancillary rights of the Contractor.

The rights to information content shall pass from the Contractor to the Customer upon a full tariff payment.

11.2.The use of intellectual activity results without receiving a written consent of the Contractor is a violation of the Contractor's exclusive right which entails civil, administrative and other responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Customer shall give the consent to grant their confidential information to the Contactor, including physician-patient privilege over an insecure Internet channel (email, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, etc.). By transmitting (forwarding) such information to the Contractor through insecure communication channels, the Customer acts voluntarily and consciously.

12.2.The settlement procedure shall be undertaken within the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Reference details of the Contractor

Individual Entrepreneur
Angelina A Fedoseeva
ITN 781303552041
OGRN 321784700289230
Registered office
Russia, 197110, Saint Petersburg, Kemskaya St, 1, apt 9